Results for 'Movement an Homage to Legal Drips'

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  1. Olivia Barr.Movement an Homage to Legal Drips, Wobbles & Perpetual Motion - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  2. Matthew Lipman: testimonies and homages.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2010 - Childhood and Philosophy 6 (12):167-210.
    We lead off this issue of Childhood and Philosophy with a collection of testimonies, homages, and brief memoirs offered from around the world in response to the death of the founder of Philosophy for Children, Matthew Lipman on December 26, 2010, at the age of 87. To characterize Lipman as “founder” is completely accurate, but barely evokes the role he played in conceiving, giving birth to, and nurturing this curriculum cum pedagogy that became a movement, and which has taken (...)
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    To Ángela Betancourt Vasconcelos posthumous homage.Hilda Elena Iglesias Carnot & Clara R. García Barrios - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):372-373.
    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de analizar los diferentes códigos éticos y deontológicos internacionales, regionales y nacionales de los que se nutre la especialidad de psiquiatría. Se concluye que el comportamiento ético se basa en el sentido de la responsabilidad individual de cada psiquiatra hacia cada paciente y en la capacidad de ambos para determinar cuál es la conducta correcta y más apropiada. Las normas externas y las directrices, tales como los códigos de conducta profesional, las aportaciones (...)
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    Freedom of movement across the EU: legal and ethical issues for children with chronic disease.Cecilia Mercieca, Kevin Aquilina, Richard Pullicino & Andrew A. Borg - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):694-696.
    While freedom of movement has been one of the most highly respected human right across the EU, there are various aspects which come into play which still need to be resolved for this to be achieved in practice. One of these key issues is cross border health care. Indeed, there is an increasing awareness of standardisation of health service provision and cross border collaboration in the EU. However, certain groups particularly children may be at risk of suboptimal treatment as (...)
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    A story of friendship: An homage to Peter Beilharz.María Pía Lara - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 179 (1):225-231.
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    Homage to Clio, or, toward an historical philosophy for evolutionary biology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Systematic Zoology 37 (2): 142–155.
    Discussions of the theory and practice of systematics and evolutionary biology have heretofore revolved around the views of philosophers of science. I reexamine these issues from the different perspective of the philosophy of history. Just as philosophers of history distinguish between chronicle (non-interpretive or non-explanatory writing) and narrative history (interpretive or explanatory writing), I distinguish between evolutionary chronicle (cladograms, broadly construed) and narrative evolutionary history. Systematics is the discipline which estimates the evolutionary chronicle. ¶ Explanations of the events described in (...)
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  7. Homage to Hare: Ecumenism and the Frege‐Geach Problem.John Eriksson - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1):8-35.
    The Frege‐Geach problem is probably the most serious worry for the prospects of any kind of metaethical expressivism. In a recent article, Ridge suggests that a new version of expressivism, a view he calls ecumenical expressivism, can avoid the Frege‐Geach problem.1 In contrast to pure expressivism, ecumenical expressivism is the view that moral utterances function to express not only desire‐like states of mind but also beliefs with propositional content. Whereas pure expressivists’ solutions to the Frege‐Geach problem usually have rested on (...)
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  8.  21
    Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024: Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights.Raffaele Pisano, Jean Dhombres, Patricia Radelet de Grave & Paolo Bussotti (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    Evangelista Torricelli exemplifies the use the moderns made of the ancients' mathematical methods. Celebrating Evangelista Torricelli's monumental Opera geometrica, this book marks 380 years since its publication (1644-2024). This homage to Torricelli introduces the magnificent major work in Mechanics and Mathematics of a brilliant Archimedean–and–Galilean scientist to modern readers. Opera geometrica deals with Motion & Mechanics and Geometry & Infinitesimals. In quibus Archimedis doctrina Torricelli also presents his mechanical principle of equilibrium – the foundation of the modern Principle of (...)
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    (1 other version)Opening Out the Boundaries: Homage to the Journal of Chinese Philosophy.Edward S. Casey - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (S1):12-16.
    “Borders” are impermeable limits designed to stop the flow of human beings as well as ideas across them, whereas “boundaries” are permeable enclosure that permit and often encourage movement through limits. I develop the differences between these two forms of edge with a series of historical and geographical examples. I conclude that the Journal of Chinese Philosophy is a sterling instance of a boundary whose entire being has consisted in facilitating the two-way flow of concepts and traditions across formerly (...)
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  10.  26
    The homage to debussy at the théâtre Des champs-elysées.Maurice Blanchot & Michael Holland - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):10-13.
    Michael Holland presents an early and little-known article by Maurice Blanchot, whose subject is the memorial concert in honour of Claude Debussy which took place in Paris in June 1932, following the unveiling of a monument to the composer earlier in the day. Blanchot provides a detailed account of the concert, emphasising the international co-operation that lay behind the expression of national pride, and arguing, against the grain of contemporary opinion, that the pure art of music transcends any notion of (...)
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    HOMAGE TO PENIA: aristophanes' plutus as philosophical comedy.Bernard Freydberg - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (3):27-33.
    The vastly underrated Plutus receives at least some of its due in this paper. At its beginning, I attempt to locate Plutus within both the Hegelian discourse on comedy and within Hume's poetical and philosophical fictions. Employing the same method of close textual analysis that I employed in Philosophy and Comedy: Aristophanes, Logos, and Eros, I focus upon the thoroughgoing materialism of the poor farmer Chremylus who laments the unjust distribution of wealth, and who seeks to restore the god's sight (...)
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    Combining experimentation and theory: a homage to Abe Mamdani.E. Trillas (ed.) - 2012 - Berlin: Springer.
    The unexpected and premature passing away of Professor Ebrahim H. "Abe" Mamdani on January, 22, 2010, was a big shock to the scientific community, to all his friends and colleagues around the world, and to his close relatives. Professor Mamdani was a remarkable figure in the academic world, as he contributed to so many areas of science and technology. Of great relevance are his latest thoughts and ideas on the study of language and its handling by computers. The fuzzy logic (...)
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    In homage to Descartes and Spinoza: A cosmo‐ontological case for God.Michael Anthony Istvan - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (1):41-64.
    Integrating cosmological and ontological lines of reasoning, I argue that there is a self-necessary being that (a) serves as the sufficient condition for everything, that (b) has the most perfect collection of whatever attributes of perfection there might be, and that (c) is an independent, eternal, unique, simple, indivisible, immutable, all-actual, all-free, all-present, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good, personal creator of every expression of itself that everything is. My cosmo-ontological case for such a being, an everything-maker with the core features ascribed to (...)
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  14. Analytical legal philosophy: From Argentina to Spain contribution to the homage to Alchourrón and Bulygin.A. Calsamiglia - 1997 - Rechtstheorie 28 (3):257-261.
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  15. Verse: Homage to an Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.John W. Corrington - 1962 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):337.
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    Evolution: The Darwinian theory of social change, an homage to Donald T. Campbell.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    One of the earliest and most influential papers applying Darwinian theory to human cultural evolution was Donald T. Campbell’s paper “Variation and Selective Retention in Sociocultural Systems.” Campbell’s programmatic essay appeared as a chapter in a book entitled Social Change in Developing Areas (Barringer et al., 1965). It sketched a very ambitious project to apply Darwinian principles to the study of the evolution of human behavior. His essential theses were four.
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    Regarding Tilly: conflict, power, and collective action.Funes Rivas & María Jesús (eds.) - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
    This book is not only an homage to Charles Tilly, but is a proposal of applying his thought. The authors examine his concepts, theories, and methodological contributions, providing a richer understanding of them. It is an essential guide for anyone interested on the analysis of political change and social conflict.
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  18.  18
    Alternative Action Theory: Simultaneously a Critique of Georg Henrik Von Wright's Practical Philosophy.Ota Weinberger - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Criticizes traditional deontic logic and argues in favor of a genuine logic of norms. Gives a structure analysis of the so- called practical inference and of nomic causal propositions, and provides a critical account of von Wright's practical philosophy. The work also offers critical analyses of discourse rationality and of Wittgensteien's views on philosophizing, and includes an homage to von Wright. Of interest to readers in philosophical logic, practical philosophy, sociology of institutions, legal philosophy, and theory democracy. Annotation (...)
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  19.  63
    Acknowledging the fiftieth anniversary of John Dewey's death: An homage from romania: Introduction.Craig Alan Kridel - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (1):68-69.
    : In 2000, the Romanian journal Paideia published a series of essays to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of John Dewey. Three articles--by Peter Hlebowitsh, then the editor of Education and Culture; Daniel Tanner, then the president of the John Dewey Society; and William Schubert, past president of the JDS-- were prepared and translated into Romanian for publication. Paideia editor Nicolae Sacalis has contributed an article describing Dewey's influence in Romania. In "The Writings of John Dewey in Romania: (...)
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  20.  21
    Legal Signs Fascinate: Kevelson’s Research on Semiotics.Jan M. Broekman & Frank Fleerackers - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Frank Fleerackers.
    This engaging book examines the origins and first effects of the concept ‘legal semiotics’, focusing on the inventor of the term, Roberta Kevelson. It highlights the importance of her ideas and works which have contributed to legal theory, legal interpretation and philosophy of language. Kevelson’s work is particularly relevant today, in our world of global electronic communication networks which rely so much on language, signs, signals and shortcuts. Kevelson could not have foreseen the 21st century, yet the (...)
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    Book Review: Homage to Gaia: The Life of An Independent Scientist. [REVIEW]Mary Midgley - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (1):141-142.
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    Religion and Nationalism: A Homage to Hans Albert.Malachi Hacohen - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco, Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 151-153.
    I met Hans Albert twice, in Vienna in 2002 at the Popper Centennial Congress, and, a few months later, in Alpbach, where he was an old timer who had seen the institution develop over half a century and took pride in belonging in its history. I found Albert charming, jolly and generous, very different from my image of the German mandarin. As a Popper scholar, I had, of course, heard of him before.
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    Five Legal Revolutions Since the 17th Century: An Analysis of a Global Legal History.Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents an analysis of global legal history in Modern times, questioning the effect of political revolutions since the 17th century on the legal field. Readers will discover a non-linear approach to legal history as this work investigates the ways in which law is created. These chapters look at factors in legal revolution such as the role of agents, the policy of applying and publicising legal norms, codification and the orientations of legal writing, (...)
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    Critical Legal Theory and the Challenge of Feminism: A Philosophical Reconception.Matthew H. Kramer - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Critical Legal Theory and the Challenge of Feminism provides both a thorough overview and a refinement of the ideas that underlie critical legal theory. Arguing with the rigor of analytic philosophy and the alertness to paradoxes characteristic of deconstructive philosophy, Matthew Kramer begins by exploring the tangled relations between metaphysics and politics. He then attempts to transform the discourses of the critical legal studies movement by laying out a framework of five general themes: contradictions, contingency, patterning, (...)
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    The Reconciliation of Myth: Benjamin's Homage to Bachofen.Joseph Mali - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):165-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Reconciliation of Myth: Benjamin’s Homage to BachofenJoseph MaliIn the “Tiergarten,” the first chapter of his autobiographical work, Berlin Childhood Around Nineteen-Hundred, Benjamin recalls how, as a child, he experienced the paths, monuments, and people of the park as a “labyrinth” replete with all kinds of mythological figures. Entering the park like a second Theseus following his Ariadne along the thread of erotic sensations, he discovered therein the (...)
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  26.  13
    Images >> Visual Vertigo: Gaëlle Foray's Homage to the Discarded.Amber Bal - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (2):110-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Images >> Visual Vertigo:Gaëlle Foray's Homage to the DiscardedAmber Bal (bio)Gaëlle Foray's artistic style invites renewed meditation upon the two human processes that surround the artwork: first, the metamorphosis of raw materials into aesthetic object at the hands of the artist, and second, the phenomenology of perceiving art. On the side of reception (in other words, the viewer's experience of Foray's works), the artworks demand first to be (...)
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    Regulating Movement in Pandemic Times.R. Jefferies, T. Barratt, C. Huang & A. Bashford - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (4):633-638.
    As COVID-19 and its variants spread across Australia at differing paces and intensity, the country’s response to the risk of infection and contagion revealed an intensification of bordering practices as a form of risk mitigation with disparate impacts on different segments of the Australian community. Australia’s international border was closed for both inbound and outbound travel, with few exceptions, while states and territories, Indigenous communities, and local government areas were subject to a patchwork of varying restrictions. By focusing on borders (...)
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    Drip-feed invective: Pliny, self-fashioning, and the Regulus letters.Rhiannon Ash - 2013 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill, The Author's Voice in Classical and Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press. pp. 207.
    Pliny’s letters generally seem designed to portray an image of Pliny himself as kind and altruistic, fulfilling the obligations of a Roman aristocrat. But in one group of his letters—those about the infamous delator Marcus Aquilius Regulus—the author’s voice instead appears malignant and hostile. If, as seems certain, Pliny carefully planned his letters with the aim of portraying himself in a certain way, why the discrepancy? This chapter argues that these letters serve a deliberate purpose in constructing part of the (...)
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    Signs of Legal and Pseudolegal Authority: A Corpus-Based Comparison of Contemporary Courtroom Filings.David Griffin & Dana Roemling - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-36.
    Legal language exists in a peculiar state of tension. It is theoretically expected to meet the specific technical needs of a range of professions while simultaneously remaining entirely accessible to the public at large. Its success at that latter aim is at best limited, with laypeople generally more able to recognize that a given text is legal in character than they are to grasp its technical content. For such readers, the primary semiotic function of legal language is (...)
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  30. Bullrich Lineal Park, Buenos Aires-Narrow strip surrounded by traffic as urban green space.Natalia Penacini - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 67:66.
    Prior to this intervention the site used to be a degraded fiscal property, that functioned as a bus yard, a police legal deposit, and a restaurant parking lot. Underneath it runs the Maldonado stream culvert, covered by a concrete slab at a depth of only -20cm. Next to the site is a 5m high railroad embankment. The plot is strategically located at the end of Juan B. Justo avenue and works as a gateway to the Tres de Febrero park (...)
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    Critical Legal Theory.Costas Douzinas & Colin Perrin (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Critical Legal Theory has conventionally been traced to the social, political, and philosophical movements of the 1960s and, before that, to the early-twentieth-century ‘realist’ critique of modern jurisprudence. In truth, however, its origins go back to classical and pre-modern thought, and to their acknowledgement of the centrality of law in attempts to conceive of the good life, or the just polity—a centrality that is, moreover, also discernible in the recent gravitation of a number of contemporary philosophers and theorists towards (...)
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    A jurisprudence of movement: common law, walking, unsettling place.Olivia Barr - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Law moves, whether we notice or not. Set amongst a spatial turn in the humanities, and jurisprudence more specifically, this book calls for a greater attention to legal movement, in both its technical and material forms. Despite various ways the spatial turn has been taken up in legal thought, questions of law, movement and its materialities are too often overlooked. This book addresses this oversight, and it does so through an attention to the materialities of (...) movement. Paying attention to how law moves across different colonial and contemporary spaces, this book reveals there is a problem with common law's place. Primarily set in the postcolonial context of Australia - although ranging beyond this nationalised topography, both spatially and temporally - this book argues movement is fundamental to the very terms of common law's existence. How, then, might we move well? Explored through examples of walking and burial, this book responds to the challenge of how to live with a contemporary form of colonial legal inheritance by arguing we must take seriously the challenge of living with law, and think more carefully about its spatial productions, and place-making activities. Unsettling place, this book returns the question of movement to jurisprudence. (shrink)
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    Looking to the new millennium: Homage to Edmund D. Pellegrino.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (1):3 – 4.
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  34. Volunteer Movement in Ukraine as an Element of the National Security System: Modernity and Prospects.Євгеній СЛЮСАР - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):195-205.
    The article examines the phenomenon of the domestic volunteer movement as an important element of the system of national security and stability in war conditions. The main directions of volunteer activity and the interaction of volunteer organizations with state authorities are outlined.The emphasis is on the uniqueness of Ukrainian volunteering as a phenomenon of civil society cohesion and mobilization of the social activity resource of certain population groups in response to an external threat. The features of the periods of (...)
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    Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science: Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964.Raffaele Pisano, Joseph Agassi & Daria Drozdova (eds.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    To commemorate the 50th anniversary of his passing, this special book features studies on Alexandre Koyré, one of the most influential historians of science of the 20th century, who re-evaluated prevalent thinking on the history and philosophy of science. In particular, it explores Koyré’s intellectual matrix and heritage within interdisciplinary fields of historical, epistemological and philosophical scientific thought. Koyré is rightly noted as both a versatile historian on the birth and development of modern science and for his interest in philosophical (...)
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    Petrified Legality, Percolating Sovereignty.Lucy Finchett-Maddock - 2025 - Angelaki 30 (1):121-145.
    This piece begins with the author’s epiphanic experience with a glacier, Perito Moreno, Southern Patagonia, and follows a journey of fascination for the edifying power and majesty of ice, as not just a metaphorical demonstration of the laws of thermodynamics, but argued as the clearest presentation of the material processes of legality itself. Most lucid when understood as a border phenomenon and a form of edgework within international law, where water meets land, and melting ice reveals the unravelling of sovereignties (...)
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    Wendt versus Pollock: Toward visual semiotics in the discipline of IR theory.Serdar Güner - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):239-251.
    We focus on a key IR Theory article by Alexander Wendt (1992) and two Jackson Pollock paintings. Our aim is to identify meanings Pollock’s art communicates and reveals for Wendt (1992). It derives from an appeal to visual imagination and a desire for semiotic interpretation of Constructivist view of anarchy. The visual sign is an association such that there is Wendt’s theoretical claim on the one hand and an abstract painting on the other. We do not gaze at Wendt’s claim, (...)
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    Legal Transparency in Dynastic China: The Legalist-Confucianist Debate and Good Governance in Chinese Tradition.John W. Head - 2012 - Carolina Academic Press. Edited by Lijuan Xing.
    This ambitious book examines the notion of legal transparency from a unique cultural and historical perspective. Drawing from their combined academic and practical experience with both Chinese and Western legal traditions, authors John Head and Xing Lijuan explore how an intense debate — pitting legal transparency against legal opaqueness — unfolded in dynastic Chinese law, which began in the dark mists of history and ended formally just over a hundred years ago. They rely on a wide (...)
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    Legal Invisibility and the Revolution: Statelessness in Egypt.Kelly A. McBride & Lindsey N. Kingston - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (2):159-175.
    Recent political turmoil has focused international attention on Egypt, yet there is little awareness of the country’s stateless populations—those who lack legal nationality to any state—or the challenges they face. Individuals in situations of protracted statelessness are denied their right to a nationality, resulting in an array of additional rights violations. Such violations include denied freedom of movement, equality before the law, and access to economic and social rights. Drawing from two years’ of fieldwork data, this study highlights (...)
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    Rethinking Legal Education from Aristotle’s Theory of Emotions and the Contemporary Challenges of the Practical Realization of Law.Ana Silvestre - 2018 - In Nuno M. M. S. Coelho & Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Aristotle on Emotions in Law and Politics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The traditional perspective on emotions assumes an unassailable dualism between emotions and reason. For common sense, including legal common sense, emotions are always dangerous and have nothing to do with rational decision-making. Nonetheless, the Aristotelian perspective regarding the relationship between emotions and reason is extremely enlightening. The relationship between emotions and law has been studied by a large range of scholars from different legal movements and with diverse objectives. This chapter is based on three theoretical pillars: Aristotle’s theory (...)
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    (1 other version)American Legal Philosophy.Richard Tur - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 19:255-272.
    Given statements like these about current developments in intellectualizing about law in America it is an exciting time to look at American legal philosophy. Given the ferment in the law schools and the volume of literature in the law journals it is also a difficult task confidently to extract the main lines of current thought and adequately to assess the significance of current intellectual movements. American lawyers are inclined to point out that there is no such thing as ‘American (...)
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    The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice.Frank S. Bloch (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Clinical legal education is playing an increasingly important role in educating lawyers worldwide. In The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice, editor Frank S. Bloch and contributors describe the central concepts, goals, and methods of clinical legal education from a global perspective, with a particular emphasis on its social justice mission. With chapters written by leading clinical legal educators from every region of the world, The Global Clinical Movement demonstrates how the emerging global (...)
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    The Self-Presupposition of the Origin: Homage to Cornelius Castoriadis.Ciaramelli Fabio - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 49 (1):45-67.
    Thinking the origin in a radical way amounts to thinking the movement by which what does not proceed from something else - what does not have its origin elsewhere - comes to itself, has within itself precisely the ontological energy to detach itself from itself and to exist as origin. In its primordial sense, then, origin is self-origin: it is, becomes, and is known starting from itself. This self-presupposition of the origin constitutes the very advent of Being, its unmotivated (...)
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    Philosophical Legal Ethics: An Affectionate History.David Luban & W. Bradley Wendel - 2017 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 30 (3):337-364.
    The modern subject of theoretical legal ethics began in the 1970s. This brief history distinguishes two waves of theoretical writing on legal ethics. The “First Wave” connects the subject to moral philosophy and focuses on conflicts between ordinary morality and lawyers’ role morality, while the “Second Wave” focuses instead on the role legal representation plays in maintaining and fostering a pluralist democracy. We trace the emergence of the First Wave to the larger social movements of the 1960s (...)
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    Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement.William Twining - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1973, Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement is a classic account of American Legal Realism and its leading figure. Karl Llewellyn is the best known and most substantial jurist of the group of lawyers known as the American Realists. He made important contributions to legal theory, legal sociology, commercial law, contract law, civil liberties and legal education. This intellectual biography sets Llewellyn in the broad context of the rise of the American Realist (...)
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  46. Artists Draw A Blank.Tim Gilman - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):208-212.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 208-212. … intervals of destructuring paradoxically carry the momentum for the ongoing process by which thought and perception are brought into relation toward transformative action. —Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation 1 Facing a blank canvas or blank page is a moment of pure potential, one that can be enervating or paralyzing. It causes a pause, a hesitation, in anticipation of the moment of inception—even of one that never comes. The implication is that (...)
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    Retrotopian feminism: the feminist 1970s, the literary utopia and Sarah Hall’s The Carhullan Army.Joe P. L. Davidson - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):243-261.
    In recent years, there has been increasing discontent with feminism’s understanding of its own history and, more specifically, the place of the feminist 1970s. Feminist scholars – most prominently, Elizabeth Freeman, Victoria Hesford, Kate Eichhorn and Kathi Weeks – have sought to move beyond the feelings of progress and nostalgia that the feminist 1970s often inspires. There is a need to mediate between the urge to leave the past behind and the desire to return to it, with feminists adopting positions (...)
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  48.  20
    The dialogue between sciences, philosophy and engineering: new historical and epistemological insights: homage to Gottfried W. Leibniz 1646-1716.Raffaele Pisano, Michel Fichant, Paolo Bussotti, Agamenon R. E. Oliveira & Eberhard Knobloch (eds.) - 2017 - London: College Publications.
    Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) has a prominent worldwide place in the history of scientific thought, from mathematics, logic, and physics to astronomy and engineering. In 2016, both his birth and death have been commemorated. Given the influence by Leibniz on Western sciences and philosophies and his polyhedric scientific activities, this special book chooses to focus on Leibniz's scientific works. In particular, we explore Leibniz's intellectual matrix and heritage within interdisciplinary fields, and present contributions from leading experts on the subject. (...)
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    February 13: Paul Celan’s Political, Spiritual and Poetical Anarchies.Antti Salminen - 2014 - Substance 43 (3):120-138.
    The decisive moment of human development is continually at hand. This is why those movements of revolutionary thought that declare everything preceding to be an irrelevance are correct – because at yet nothing has happened.In his Meridian speech Paul Celan pays homage to a dissident tradition, speaking of himself as one “who grew up with Peter Kropotkin’s and Gustav Landauers’ writings” .1 In his biography John Felstiner briefly mentions Celan’s affiliation, noting that the poet soon relinquished his communist sympathies (...)
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    Philosophy between Power and Powerlessness: A Homage to Karl Jaspers.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (1):167-187.
    The aim of the following paper is to discuss Jaspers' disappointement of politics and his confession about the powerlessness of the Spirit, expressed at the end of his life. This confession may seem to contradict some of his earlier statements and positions. Yet, by analizing the evolution of his views about the complex relation between philosophy and politics, the autor claims that Jaspers' philosophy is an emblematic illustration of a tension, inherent in contemporary philosophy, namely that between the faith in (...)
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